Where to Begin Studying the Series 7 Exam; Start with Hard Stuff

Where to Begin Studying the Series 7

If you’re wondering where to begin studying the Series 7 Exam curriculum, we have some tips. Start with the hard stuff, but don’t leave everything else behind. How does this work? In today’s post we explain.


Where to Begin Studying the Series 7…Options of Course

It won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone familiar with the exam that Options strategies are tricky. This topic is by far the most requested topic that we get from students looking for Series 7 tutoring help.

So why do we suggest that you start with it? Well, for the simple reason that tackling the hard stuff early, and frequently, will ensure the most familiarity overtime.

The main difference between this section for the Series 7 Top-Off exam, and the SIE exam is the depth of the questions. In the SIE exam, Options questions rarely deal with two Options positions simultaneously, whereas this is much more common, and mostly the norm, for the Series 7.

Hence, we generally recommend that you hit the Options section at least twice per week to really gain a grasp on the subject. This can be for as little as 20 or 30 minutes per study session. However, frequent engagement with this section will help ensure you progress toward, and maintain some level of proficiency.

As an aside, it generally takes students about two or three weeks before this material sinks in. This is another reason why we do not recommend leaving it to the last week or two of studying.


Margin, Munis, and Suitability

Now that you have a plan for the hardest topic of the exam, what comes next?

Everything else.

Behind Options, the margin section is probably our second most requested topic. Anyone would do well by also throwing this topic into their study rotation twice weekly. Similar to Options, this section can take some time to learn. Generally speaking, most students don’t have as hard of a time with the Margin topic as they do with Options. But, it is one that typically takes at least a couple weeks to absorb.

Municipal Securities for the Series 7 Exam, on the other hand, are mostly difficult because of its size. It’s worth incorporating into your studying at least once a week for about 30 minutes to an hour. Most of the challenge here is definitional and quantity, but there is some math in calculating amortization, or accretion of bonds too.

Finally, Suitability is another section to emphasize. In terms of difficulty, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Some people have a lot of issues with this section, whereas other people find it very intuitive.

Since it can be a very heavily tested section, we highly recommend that you also incorporate studying Suitability at least once per week for about an hour. These periodic study sessions can include anything from reviewing associated definitions and rules, to taking 20 or 30 practice questions, and reviewing their answers.

Overall, as you can see, starting with the hard stuff is necessary but it all becomes a juggling act. If you can weigh little bits of it all we believe that it’s the best way to ensure you increase your probability of safely gliding into being fully prepared for when exam day arrives. If you need any help feel free to book a tutor. Good luck!