Total Series 7 Study Time Needed to Pass: How Long Will You Need?

Total Series 7 Study Time

The total Series 7 study time needed to pass depends on a few things. While many people seek out our tips to questions needed to pass the exam, some don’t realize the hours that it takes. For the average student, it can be a longer and windier road than you think.


What’s the Total Series 7 Study Time Needed to Pass?

The simple answer is that it depends on the test taker.

We have come across all sorts of test takers at Professional Exam Tutoring. They range from phenomenal – those that can read the text, understand it, and pass the exam in less than a week – to the average – those that take one to two months on average to read, do practice questions, and then pass the exam.

Everyone tends to know someone that passed the exam in a few weeks, without much effort. Please note: These are exceptions to the rule, and not the rule.

The Series 7 Top-Off difficulty is such that the average person needs to put in the time to get consistent practice scores around the mid-80% range (on Kaplan) to be quite certain that they will pass. If you aren’t in this range, there is still hope for you. However, the further away from that score that you are, probability becomes less and less on your side. We delve into the minimum Series 7 scores in another post though, so let’s talk about time.


Total Study Time Needed Might be Longer than You Think!

The total Series 7 study time needed on a daily basis can be longer than you would like (or might think). Generally, about 150-200 practice questions a day will keep you in front of enough questions to refresh most topics throughout your studying. For some, this takes one or two hours, but for others this can be over three hours.

The reason that you want to do a decent number of questions per day is that if you only do, say 50-80 questions per day, you may start to forget certain subjects (Side tip: It might not come as a surprise that Options is the topic that needs the most refreshing!). As time goes by you need to keep the material fresh.

Make sure to do enough practice questions on a daily basis, or at least every other day, to keep old subjects that you’ve studied, fresh.

The most difficult thing in studying for the Series 7 is the juggling. There are a lot of different subjects to keep in the air, but with the right strategy you’ll perform great! Good luck!