Long Weekend FINRA Exam Studying: What to Do

With the markets closed on Friday, many students have a chance to implement long weekend FINRA exam studying.
In today’s post, we include some recommendations around studying for your exam this long weekend.

To Take the Vacation or Not?

We tend to hear a lot about student guilt when it comes to vacations during study time.
Our general advice for those worried about missing out on added productivity is to not sweat it too much. When it comes to vacations, especially a quick weekend trip, you won’t forget much, if anything. Sure, you won’t learn anything new but you have to ask yourself if the trade-off is worth it. Are you in a good position to sacrifice a day or two?
Now, if you decide to stretch your trip out for a few weeks, and don’t pick up a book at all, then don’t be surprised if you fall behind a little.
For this weekend however, feel free to take a day or two off and let your mind relax as long as your exam is not Monday or Tuesday.

Long Weekend FINRA Exam Studying…A Schedule

A very easy schedule to implement over a long weekend is to take two of the three days to drill on specific subtopics. Then, use one of the days to take a full practice exam.
With practice exams you can split them up. For example, if you’re trying to do a 100 question practice exam, you can do 50 on one day and 50 on another day – it won’t mess with your score or progress at all.
Most practice scores tend to be in a pretty tight range, whether students apply intense concentration, or are mostly concentrating. Distracted studying on the other hand tends to lead to significantly lower practice scores. We usually see a difference of at last 10 or more points for the average student. Therefore, we recommend you wait until you can at least moderately concentrate.
Take a couple hours during the day, or a whole day, and visit with family or enjoy your vacation. Usually you can find some time to carve out an hour or two on any given day, which should be good enough to maintain what you have.
All in all, if you find that you feel a little behind, then feel free to reach out for an SIE exam tutor, Series 7 Tutor, or whichever exam you need help with. You know where to find us.
Good luck!