How Long to Study for the Series 63 Exam; What’s a Good Estimate?

How Long to Study for the Series 63 Exam

Many students ask us how long to study for the Series 63 exam. The best advice we can offer is based off of what we see from most of our students. So although everyone is different, let’s take a look at what we see at Professional Exam Tutoring.


How Long to Study for the Series 63 Exam…For the Average Person

When it comes to the average student, we see a pretty consistent timeline. Although we don’t have exact figures, it’s probably a good approximation to say that 75% of our Series 63 students take about 4 to 6 weeks to study for, and pass, the exam. We don’t believe that this timeline is a sure thing for everyone. But, this timeline is most representative of our average student. And if we have our math correct, there’s a 75% chance that you’re like 75% of our students 🙂

On the flip side, we infrequently encounter students that can get the job done in 3 weeks or less. Perhaps it’s because few of them need any tutoring. Or perhaps, it’s just must less common. We tend to think it’s the latter. In fact, we see a lot of students underestimate how tricky the exam can be. It’s not as hard as the Series 7, but it’s no cake-walk.

We also infrequently run into students that take 2 to 3 months to study for the exam. The most common reason for this is when an employer pressures their employee into taking the exam too early. Unfortunately, there is little our students can do in that case. It often leads to a failed exam, and then the student has to wait another 30 days until their “exam window” opens again.


How Should You Use Your Time to Study?

So how should you use your time to study? Well, that’s an easy one.

First and foremost, read the book. It’s a much faster read than the Series 7 material. We recommend STC or Kaplan for the Series 63 exam. Both are totally fine resources. Next, take practice questions until the cows come home. Ultimately you want to aim for a score in the mid-80s. Once you hit that point then you’re about ready to go.

Some key tricks to watch for in the exam include double negatives, and word play. Exempt securities, exempt transactions, and other legal jargon is tossed around a lot to confuse you. Make sure you have these definitions down pat. Try memorizing using flash cards or a study sheet at least 30 minutes a day. If you do all of this, which adds to about two or three hours of studying per day then you should be about ready to go after 4 weeks.

Feel free to reach out if you need any help. Good luck!